Music Production

I’ve been a musician, songwriter, and recording enthusiast ever since I was young! While playing in bands I learned how to master a PA system and to utilize various recording interfaces and software programs. I have worked professionally as a soundman, helped to build recording studios, done sound design for theatre performances, and even done a few corporate A/V gigs. In every job I have had I am the default A/V and IT consultant and can troubleshoot and fix problems in stressful situations.

I enjoy recording music and have produced several records for myself and others, and have licensed my music for use in videos, films, and radio commercials.


At age sixteen I purchased a Tascam 4-track and I’ve been addicted to recording music ever since. Though the tools have changed (I now record to Logic Pro via a digital interface), my love and enthusiasm for recording has not, and I maintain a home studio where I track guitars, vocals, drums, bass, keyboards, and vocals on a regular basis. I have recorded several EPs for my own bands, and most recently a full length album for Maine-based band Pretty Girls Sing Soprano.

Music for video

In 2012 my hometown of Bath, Maine was chosen as a Great American Main Street Award winner by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. I am proud to have provided the music for the video used in the application for that award! Custom music can take a video to the next level and I love dreaming up the soundtrack.


Since 2007 I have worked independently as an A/V tech, supplying sound services for Portland Ballet, Maine State Music Theatre, Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center, Maine Seaweed Festival, and loads of bands.

